Emergency kits are essential components of effective disaster preparedness. Having the appropriate food, water, and safety supplies readily available during disasters can drastically reduce the effects of unexpected challenges. We've compiled a list of our top essentials. Check them out and get started today!
Safety Necessities Here are key items you should consider gathering for your emergency kit:
NOAA Weather Radio
Whistle (to signal for help)
Dust masks, plastic sheeting, and duct tape
Moist wipes
Garbage bags
Wrench, pliers, manual can opener
Extra mobile phone, charger, battery back-up2021
Insurance policy
Matches and fire extinguisher
Paper and pencils
Thick blankets or sleeping bags
First Aid Fundamentals A First Aid kit should also be included within your emergency kit, and include items such as:
Pain relievers
Bandages, gauze, and tape
Alcohol wipes
Chemical cold packs
Disposable gloves
Antibiotic ointment, hydrocortisone ointment
Food Provisions Be sure to add food that will last for approximately 72 hours to your emergency kit. You should always be considerate of those with dietary restrictions – such as vegetarians, diabetics, or people with allergies – and make sure that they will be accommodated by your food supply, too. Here are some ideas of what to include:
Protein bars
Peanut butter (if no one is allergic to peanuts)
Canned juice or pasteurized milk
Baby food
Dried fruit, nuts, and granola
Canned vegetables or beans
Water Solutions
Calculate the amount of water that you will need over 72 hours and purchase and store bottled water to meet those demands. This can be difficult to determine in a church setting. Will you store water for those on staff only, or enough to provide for your entire church population? Keep in mind that medical emergencies and hot climates increase water demands.
It is important to stay cool and inactive to minimize the amount of water you will need. Never ration water. Drink uncontaminated water first and avoid drinking suspicious water for as long as you can. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, both of which can have dehydrating effects.
UMI is here to help. Have other questions about disaster prep for ministries? Want more articles like this?
Download the Emergency Preparedness for Natural Disasters and Extreme Weather Handbook for Churches for FREE today!
This content has been prepared by United Methodist Insurance Company (UMI) for informational purposes only. No article or document may accurately contemplate all possible scenarios or church resources. As such, this information is meant to foster discussion by the individual church and its members to develop a plan tailored to its own circumstances. UMI is providing this information with no warranties or guarantees of any kind and it should not be viewed as legal, financial, or other professional advice. All liability is expressly disclaimed. Any claim examples described herein are general in nature, may or may not be based on actual claims, and are for informational purposes only. Any coverage available for a claim is determined from the facts and circumstances of the claim as well as the terms and conditions of any applicable policy, including any exclusions or deductibles. In the event of a conflict with the content herein, the terms and conditions of any issued policy will control. Individual coverage may vary and may not be available in all states.
The commercial insurance coverages for United Methodist Insurance are sold and serviced directly or indirectly by Sovereign Insurance Agency (CA Lic. No. 0B01380) ("Sovereign") and underwritten by various available insurance markets. Sovereign pays United Methodist Insurance a royalty for the use of its intellectual property.