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Top Five Holiday Hazards


Updated: Jul 19, 2022

We all know it’s important to be mindful of the potential hazards that accompany the holiday season. We’ve compiled a list of the top five holiday hazards for your church to look out for to help keep your ministry safe.

Candle Safety

During holiday ceremonies, many churches often use real candles throughout their buildings. Consider limiting the number of real candles used to help reduce the chances of an accidental fire occurring. Battery powered candles make a great, safe alternative to traditional candles.


Since it’s the holiday season, many churches will be planning to decorate their buildings. Things like faulty Christmas lights and live Christmas trees can be potential fire hazards if not properly maintained. Hanging decorations could become hazards as well if they’re not properly installed or secured, so be sure to use extra care when decorating.

Icy Pavement

Whether it’s your parking lot or walkways, icy pavement presents a serious risk of slipping or tripping for your staff and visitors. Be sure to maintain clear parking lots and walkways by plowing or shoveling snow and applying ice melt afterwards to help reduce the risk of someone being injured.

Wet Floors

Even with clear pavement, people will track snow or ice into your buildings that will eventually melt, creating a slipping hazard. Placing non-slip carpet mats at each entrance and throughout your halls could help reduce the chances of people slipping in your buildings.

Lack of Coverage

Despite all the planning and prevention efforts, there is always a risk that injuries could occur at one of your facilities. In the event that one does, make sure your ministry is protected by an adequate insurance policy that addresses the risks your church faces. There is still time to review your coverage now. You could help your church and start saving money before the end of the year.


This content has been prepared by United Methodist Insurance Company (UMI) for informational purposes only. No article or document may accurately contemplate all possible scenarios or church resources. As such, this information is meant to foster discussion by the individual church and its members to develop a plan tailored to its own circumstances. UMI is providing this information with no warranties or guarantees of any kind and it should not be viewed as legal, financial, or other professional advice. All liability is expressly disclaimed. Any claim examples described herein are general in nature, may or may not be based on actual claims, and are for informational purposes only. Any coverage available for a claim is determined from the facts and circumstances of the claim as well as the terms and conditions of any applicable policy, including any exclusions or deductibles. In the event of a conflict with the content herein, the terms and conditions of any issued policy will control. Individual coverage may vary and may not be available in all states.

The commercial insurance coverages for United Methodist Insurance are sold and serviced directly or indirectly by Sovereign Insurance Agency (CA Lic. No. 0B01380) ("Sovereign") and underwritten by various available insurance markets. Sovereign pays United Methodist Insurance a royalty for the use of its intellectual property.


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